ei rakasta
ei rakasta
kaikki on ihan samanlaista
mutta kuitenkin tunnen
että pieni pala puuttuu
eikä sitä löydy mistään
jäi matkan varrelle
ojan pohjaan
vajonnut alas
meren syvimpään kohtaan
tunnen itseni petetyksi
miksi uskoin, että sinä olet
kuin lääke vanhoille haavoilleni
revit ne vaan auki...
Kirjoittaja on 16-vuotias teinityttö, joka taitaa elää ihan omassa maailmassaan, joka ei suinkaan ole vaaleanpunainen. Blogissa on runoista lähtien laidasta laitaan random kirjoituksia. Kiitos ja kumarrus~
torstai 26. marraskuuta 2015
perjantai 13. marraskuuta 2015
last words
life is full of suprises
some are nice and amazing
some makes you cry
and some makes you feel empty
why i can't just delete them
why i can't just forget them
like nothing happened
I made a rule for myself one day
that day was, when one of my friend lost her family member
and the last time she talked with him
she was mad at him
she yelled at him
and that why she was upset
was for so small reason
she just had bad day
you can never know
when it will be the last time
you talk to an important person
you will never forgive to yourself
if your last words to that person
are words of angry
you can't ask him to forgive you
that's why I made that rule
never let anybody go away
with bad memories of you
that is same in relationship
kiss always with passion
hug always tightly
you will never know
when that will be your last kiss
last hug
last words
before you break up, or lose each other
i wish sometimes
i could go back in time
and tell to important people
i love them
before it's too late...
keskiviikko 11. marraskuuta 2015
the saddest people smile the brightest
She was that kind of girl
Always smiling
Always helping others
She was the strong one
Or she just looked strong
She listened always everyone's problem
She tried to make other's feel happy
She couldn't watch from the side, if someone was sad
But she never told
She was inside broken
She wasn't strong
She just tried to make others feel loved
Because she didn't felt so
And it was horrible
There was only one bad thing in being strong
Everyone thought, she didn't need help
'cause she was strong
Nobody asked her, was she okay
or how its going.
And she was died inside
She was empty
Her smile didn't shine
She tried to hide her feelings
her sadness
But we all know
There is one point
When we just can't hide something
There is one point
When we just break
And one day
She broke
She broke inside
Into million pieces
And nobody cared
"Hey, she is strong, she will get over it!"
But she didn't
Some pills
And her life ended
Never, never ever expect, that who is smiling
He is okay
Because, the loneliest people are the kindest and
The saddest people smile the brightest.
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